Boost Lead Generation With Pinterest: 3 Ways To Share Your Lead Magnet

So you’ve created your lead magnet for your online business and now you’re wondering… ok how do I start generating leads!?! I know it can feel like a bit of a mystery, especially with a small audience on social media, or at least it was to me. But, how to drive traffic to my lead magnets and building my email list for organic lead generation was totally demystified when I discovered just how easy it was to share my lead magnets on Pinterest.

Why does sharing your lead magnets on Pinterest work?

Sharing your lead magnets on Pinterest works because Pinterest is not really social media. It’s a search platform! Pinners are looking for solutions. They are on there for inspiration and planning their next move in life AND business.

When you use keywords that target what your ideal audience is searching for, these users are more willing to opt-in for the free downloads and trainings because they were in search of your solution to their problem.

With the right keywords and profile optimizations, you can start using Pinterest as another lead generation platform.


Watch this YouTube video or keep reading for 3 ways you can share your lead magnet on Pinterest to start passively growing your email list

Create Traditional Pins To Share Your Lead Magnet On Pinterest

The first way to share your Lead Magnets and use Pinterest as a lead generator for your online business is to create traditional Pin graphics that use keyword-rich text on the graphic with a call to action to invite the Pinner to take the next step with you.

The link you use for this Pin should be the link to your email landing page, where the Pinner can ultimately opt-in to your email list and download the lead magnet.

Pinners typically find these Pins using Pinterest search. They are in search of something - like “spring porch ideas”, “visiting Charleston in the summer”, or “how to build an email list”

It’s super important that you know what your audience is searching for and that you create lead magnets that will show up in their search on Pinterest.

By adding these keywords on the Pin graphic, Pin title, Pin description, AND saving your Pin to the most relevant board you will give your Pin the best chance at becoming visible to your audience. A WARM AUDIENCE, ready to get your lead magnet.

Create Traditional Pins that Link to Blog Content

Yes! You can use Pinterest to drive traffic to your blogs that act as lead generators for your business. Creating strategic blogs that have a call to action for the reader to download your lead magnet can be repurposed using Pinterest. Create the traditional pins, similar to section above, but link to your blog post instead of directly to your lead magnet.

Add keywords on the Pin graphic, Pin title, Pin description, AND save your Pin to the most relevant board to get visible to get your blog pin visible on Pinterest!

Create Idea Pins that Link to Your Lead Magnet

Lead generation on Pinterest with Idea Pins, until recently, was extremely difficult. Some accounts (even my own) still do not have the update that will make a huge difference in generating leads through Pinterest Idea Pins.

However, with the latest update on Pinterest, Idea Pins can now link out to external resources! Idea Pins are a little different than traditional Pins because they use short-form video and short slides to inspire Pinners on taking action.

Using Idea Pins can be very similar to strategizing your Reels, TikToks, or even YouTube Shorts - BUT - you want to make sure you’re not just sharing every trending Reel you create.

Short-form videos that provide inspiration, solve a problem, or provide education are the Idea Pins that typically resonate the most with Pinners.

REMEMBER! Pinners don’t really care about you. They care about how you can help them. Save your funny, trending, and personal videos for Instagram.

Link your lead magnet using the new Pinterest Idea Pin feature in the details so you can inspire a Pinner to take the next step and use Pinterest as your lead generation platform.

BONUS: Use your Pinterest Profile Banner as a Lead Generator

Pinterest gives you precious real estate on your profile and you can make use of this area to further promote how someone can get your lead magnet! Add an overlay image to your banner and a call to action.

In order for a Pinner to see your profile banner, they do need to navigate to your profile. This may seem pointless, but the more resources you provide that are exactly what your ideal audience is searching for, they will navigate to your profile, naturally, to see WHAT ELSE YOU GOT!

Before Using Pinterest as a Lead Generator

Make sure you have your lead magnets created, and have carefully thought through your content that will lead someone to join your email list and ultimately make a purchase with your business.

For beginners, I DO NOT think you need full-on funnels created to make this work. I am a huge advocate for a Minimal Viable Product approach, where you make data driven decisions to build out funnels once you know a lead magnet works.

Pinterest can give you the data you need to know which lead magnets you should add more time and attention to to build out additional funnels and resources, once you know you are getting leads from Pinterest.


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