Should You Waste Your Time Creating Pinterest Board Covers?

So you’ve started your Pinterest account and you might be wondering if you need to start branding your Pinterest account by creating Pinterest board covers. The real answer is, IT’S TOTALLY UP TO YOU! My recommendation is that Pinterest board covers should NOT be the first things you work on when you’re first setting up your account. OR if you feel really pressed for time, the priority should always be keywords and quality pins over aesthetics of your profile. But, there is value to adding board covers and only takes 30 minutes to setup.

Benefits of Adding Pinterest Board Covers

Pinterest board covers provide no SEO or finability for your account. BUT, what it does provide is ease of navigating your profile. An ideal client can navigate to your profile and easily see all of your boards at a glance and can easily read the board titles.

Sometimes the Pinterest board titles get cut off, making them hard to read especially for a mobile user, but with Pinterest board covers someone can easily see the full board title at a glance.

I like to think of these board covers like YouTube Thumbnails. When you go to YouTube and you look at videos, the thumbnail needs to give you the title clearly and simply. Same thing with Pinterest board covers.

Pinterest Board Covers Make Your Profile Bingeable

A lot of users on Pinterest use the search, find a few pins that make sense to them, and then navigate off of Pinterest.

But, if they decide to go to your profile to see what other resources you have created, adding Pinterest board covers could be highly valuable to you AND your audience.

If a user gets overwhelmed by the collage of photos that display, they might not spend much time bingeing your other content.

With a simple profile, and clearly labeled Pinterest boards could be wildly beneficial for an ideal client staying on your profile and discovering MORE of your content, even though board covers do not provide any benefit to someone FINDING you.

Take a look at what a Pinterest boards look like WITHOUT board covers versus having board covers:

Adding board covers to these Pinterest boards could make it easier to see what is in the board and to see if it’s content your ideal audience could be looking for when they navigate directly to your profile.

Without board covers on these boards, it’s possibly the content will just be skimmed because the board titles cutoff, and you could lose a potential follower.

What Makes a Good Pinterest Board Cover

Keeping your Pinterest board covers simple with a simple bold font is best! You are adding board covers to simplify the design so that when someone lands on your profile it’s not overwhelming to look at.

Adding complicated designs and fonts to your board covers will not help you achieve the goal of simplifying your profile, so stay away from hard to read fonts and extra design elements.

Incorporate your brand colors to add cohesiveness to your Pins and your Website.

How to Add Pinterest Board Covers

Here is how you can get started adding board covers to your Pinterest Account:

  1. Use this Canva Template to get started with creating your board covers. Use an 800 x 800px design, and update the font, colors, and style to match your brand.

  2. Download the file as a png

  3. Go to your Pinterest account, and navigate to the board you want to add a board cover to

  4. Add a new Pin to the board by uploading the board cover image. Give the pin the same title as the board. (No need to add a link or description here!)

  5. Save your Pin to the board.

  6. Edit the board by clicking the ellipsis next to the board title (the three dots …)

  7. Add a board cover by clicking the plus button in the board cover section

  8. Images from the board appear. Select the board cover you just pinned!

  9. Save your board changes

  10. Go back to  your profile, and your saved board, and refresh! You should see your new board cover added to your profile.

Pinterest Board Cover Canva Template

Use this Canva Template to have a starting point for your Pinterest board covers


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