5 Ways To Make Money On Pinterest Without A Blog

Despite the fact that Pinterest has been a platform for bloggers for many years to increase their website traffic so that they make money on their blogs, it IS possible to make money on Pinterest without a blog. Here are the 5 methods to making money on Pinterest without a blog! You can mix-n-match one or all of these methods to create the right strategy for you.

Use Static Pins With Email Opt-Ins

You can use static pins that lead to email opt-in landing pages to make money on Pinterest without a blog. Although, a purchase does not happen right away from this method, Pinterest can be used to help you grow your email list so that you can use email marketing to nurture your audience and then to be able to sell products or services.


Share your email opt-in pages as static pins on Pinterest, so that when a user clicks on a pin they are taken to your email opt-in page and given the option to exchange their email for a free resource or service. Once they are on your email list you can nurture the relationship to be able to turn them into a customer.

Use Static Pins With Affiliate Links

You can use static pins that lead to your affiliate product pages to make money on Pinterest without a blog. If you are using affiliate marketing, you typically have a special link that someone can use to purchase a product and you will get commission on those items.


Although using affiliate links directly from a static pin does not typically lead to high conversions (because there is little context to support why someone should purchase) you can link your static pin to a YouTube video, Instagram Post, TikTok, or your email opt-ins that reference the affiliate link that way there is still context around the product, but without the need for a blog.

Also note, if you use an affiliate link directly, you do need to make note in the description that it is an affiliate link!

If you choose to use affiliate links on Pinterest with a static pin you will want to put as much context within the pin graphic, title, and description so that the user viewing your pin knows exactly what they will be getting on the other end.

Integrate Your Shop to Make Money On Pinterest Without a Blog

One Pinterest stat says that 75% of weekly Pinterest users say they’re always shopping.


Pinterest is investing huge into turning this platform into a go-to shopping experience to find unique unbranded items. By integrating your online shop with Pinterest, Pinners will have the ability to purchase your products on Pinterest without the need for you to have a blog.


If you have your own shop on Shopify, you can easily integrate your catalog on Pinterest. If you don’t have a Shopify site, you can still integrate your catalog but it’s a little more manual of a process. (See this article on how to prepare your Pinterest catalog without Shopify)

By integrating your catalog, your shop becomes available on Pinterest and users on Pinterest searching for similar items can have an opportunity to purchase from your shop without any additional pins or blogs.

Use Pinterest Idea Pins With Product Tags

Leveraging Idea Pins with your product tags can lead to quick conversions because they are prioritized by Pinterest right now, and is one method to make money on Pinterest without a blog.

Think of Idea Pins like an Instagram Story and Instagram Carousel Post had a baby!  (Also Idea Pins used to be called Story Pins once upon a time)

Idea Pins are meant to share inspiration and quick tips with a huge focus on “SHOW, don’t tell”.

Unlike Instagram stories, Idea Pins do not disappear after 24 hours. They live under your account forever and are always discoverable on Pinterest.

You can easily repurpose your Instagram Reels and TikTok videos into Idea Pins, and even without integrating your shop or having a blog you have the ability to tag products, as long as you are tagging products that link back to a product page (you can’t use just any URL)


This is also a great strategy for network marketers who have their own product links like Pampered Chefs or Seint Makeup Artists, to name a few. You don’t need your own shopping website or a blog to be able to directly share your products on Pinterest using Idea Pins and product tags.

Use the mobile app to create idea pins and tag with a product link. With the mix of inspiration and convenience of having a linked product right within the video, using Idea Pins and product tags you can easily make money on Pinterest without a blog.

Use Pinterest Idea Pins With Affiliate Links

Much like the method of Using Idea Pins with product tags to make money on Pinterest without a blog, you can alternatively use affiliate links! (but also make sure you indicate it is an affiliate link)


I love this method a lot better than using direct affiliate links on a static pin graphic, because within the Idea Pin you can provide that context users need in order to make a buying decision using short video or “slides”. Pinterest Idea Pins are as close as you can get to having a mini blog, without actually having a website and a blog.

Plus, if you are already creating social media content on Instagram or TikTok, this method cannot get any easier! Read this to see how you can easily repurpose your Instagram Reels and TikTok videos into Idea Pins

Use the mobile app to create idea pins and tag with an affiliate link. With the mix of inspiration and convenience of having a linked affiliate product right within the video, using Idea Pins and affiliate links you can easily make money on Pinterest without a blog.

BONUS Method: Use Idea Pin Links To Make Money On Pinterest Without a Blog

Earlier in 2022 Pinterest tested adding links to idea pins, so you can link ANYTHING to an idea pin. Previously, only a product link or affiliate link to a product would work. They announced that throughout the year they will be rolling this link feature out to ALL USERS! (If you don’t have this link available yet, not to worry, you will receive the update this year!)


This is great because you can use this updated Idea Pin feature as an alternative method to any of the “Static Pin” methods, and link to an email opt-in page, product page, YouTube video, or the direct affiliate link.

(And this is great if you do happen to have a blog, you can now link to a full blog post from your idea pin!)

With the mix of inspiration and convenience of having a link right within the Idea Pin, using Idea Pins you can easily bring new potential customers into your funnel to make money on Pinterest without a blog.

Setup Your Account To Make Money On Pinterest Without a Blog

In all of the methods I’ve shared for making money on Pinterest without a blog, you still need to follow these core principles about Pinterest marketing so that your Pinterest content is visible in front of the right audience and discoverable for the long-haul!

  1. Know your target audience - and what they are searching for on Pinterest. Ask yourself, what is this person planning for and what questions do they have around this topic?

  2. Perform keyword research - Use the answers about your target audience to inform your keyword research. Start typing some searches into the smart search toolbar, the results are the topics and keywords you want to use within your Profile, Pin titles, descriptions, board title, board descriptions, and the Pin graphic.

  3. Create keyword rich fresh pins - Pinterest favors accounts that are active and creating fresh pins. That means Pins that have a new pin graphic, pin title, and pin description. You don’t need to be pinning crazy amounts of pins, just ask yourself what you can reasonably handle to stay consistent at first.

  4. Pin to relevant boards - To get your pins visible in front of the right audience, we have to give each pin all the metadata possible so that Pinterest knows exactly who to show the Pin to. Pinning to the most relevant board (a board that has a board title and board description), Pinterest is more likely to show your pin to someone searching your niche.

  5. Show Don’t Tell - Give your ideal client the context they need to make a buying decision either within the video or within the pin graphic. What they click on needs to match what they will see on the other side of the pin.

  6. Stay Consistent - Pinterest favors accounts that are active and creating fresh pins. Find a schedule to create new pins that you can honor.

Download my 30 Tips for Pinterest here for additional tips and resources for setting up your account!

Is It Possible To Make Money On Pinterest Without a Blog?

Although I may shout this to the rooftops that having a blog will greatly benefit you in your pursuit of passive income because it provides the person searching for information an opportunity to visualize how a product or service can benefit them, quickly builds the trust factor, AND blogs can give you a massive advantage for search engines to serve up your content to those searching for topics related to your product… These 5 ways to make money on Pinterest without a blog are STILL EFFECTIVE! 


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