Everything You Need To Know About Sharing Your Instagram Reels to Pinterest

You might be marketing your business with Instagram and have entirely invested in Instagram Reels. Now you’re wondering how you can repurpose these Reels (that you worked so hard to create!) so that your content can last longer and reach a new audience. Sharing your Reels on Pinterest can give you the visibility you’re looking for - without the added effort of being active on 2 different platforms.

What You Need Before Sharing Your Instagram Reels on Pinterest

Here are some quick steps you can take to optimize your account, so that when you start creating content on Pinterest, you’re setup for success!

  1. Create a Pinterest Business Account

  2. Set a Profile Name and Bio that uses your keywords

  3. Create 5-10 boards that describe the topics you create content for - Be sure to use your keywords in the board titles

  4. Now you’re ready to create your own Pins!

Identify the Reels that Will Work On Pinterest

Not all video content you create for Instagram (or other social media platforms) will translate 1-1 on other platforms. You have to keep in mind that Pinterest is a search engine where users go to find solutions and inspiration for their own life.

Pinners don’t care about you!! They care about themselves.

Think about yourself and how you use Pinterest. You go there to plan your next big move, your kitchen remodel or room decor, to be inspired by different gift guides, to find that unique remedy that only a mom-blogger can help you with, and possibly to dream big dreams about your business or to start that side hustle.

But on Instagram, we often go there to disconnect from our life and connect with others! See what’s going on in our networks, start conversations and build relationships.

Because of this fundamental shift in how Pinners use Pinterest, you want to make sure you curate the content the content you push to Pinterest. Here are some great examples of Reels that would work well, and some that would NOT work well.

A Funny Reel That Would NOT Work Well On Pinterest

This is an example of a Reel that I would not post on Pinterest because it’s meant to get a laugh and relate to someone watching it. Although I believe that Pinners want to laugh… I think they want inspiration and solutions MORE. So this is not a good fit and does not align with our strategy of inspiring someone to take the next step with our business.

Watch Reel Here

A Solution Oriented Reel That Would Work Well on Pinterest

This example works really well on Pinterest because it provides a quick win and solution to a common problem someone might have! You should replace this type of content with something related to your niche.

Watch Reel Here

A Product-Focused Reel That Would Work Well on Pinterest

Pinners appreciate the behind the scenes and understanding how products are made. Any time you can SHOW versus TELL the Reel will work well on Pinterest!

This example Reel provides a couple different angles that work well on Pinterest, it showcases a product and multiple ways to use the product AND it shows a behind the scenes of how it’s made.

Watch Reel Here

Download Your Instagram Reels

Once you have a few Reels that will work well on Pinterest, you need to save the videos so you can re-upload them to Pinterest.

TIP! Save your videos with sound and without a watermark by using the website snapinsta.app. Read more how to save the videos on your phone in this blog

Determine Your Keywords For Each Reel

Yes, videos on Pinterest get more views faster than traditional image pins, however you still need to connect your Reels to what someone is SEARCHING FOR. Take a moment to find the keywords that make sense for each of the Reels you are going to reuse as Pins.

I like to consider “what would someone be searching for, where this Reel would be so helpful to them…”

For the Example Reels above ^^ here is how I would think about keywords,

  1. This Reel → 

    1. The problem someone would have: Polymer clay is stuck in cutter

    2. Their possible searches: Polymer clay gets stuck in cutter, How to get polymer clay out of cutters, etc.

  2. This Reel → 

    1. The search might looks something like: Halloween clay earring ideas, Skull earring ideas

Then I would use the Pinterest Search Bar and type these phrases into the search bar to see what search terms come up!

Using the results from the Pinterest search bar, you now have a good idea of what keywords you should use when you create your Pin. Use the search terms that match closest to your goals and your content. For example, if I wasn’t selling a DIY product, then I would stay away from keywords like “Halloween clay earrings DIY”, and would go for terms like “Halloween clay earrings pink/ghost/studs/cute”

Make note of the keywords that come up for each Reel! You’ll use these keywords in the next step when you create your Pin from your Reel.

Create Video Pins from Your Reels

Now that you have your video downloaded from Instagram, you can create a new Pin on Pinterest and upload your Reel as a Pin.

After you upload your video on the Create Pin screen, here are the details you should complete so that your Reel can rank in Pinterest Search,

  1. Use keywords that relate to your Reel in the Title, Description, and Tags (if available)
    In addition to using keywords as an overlay on the Pin Video itself,  you also want to use the keyword within the Pin metadata (aka - the Pin Title and Description!) Pinterest uses this information in their search algorithm, and you will have a better chance at ranking for this keyword if you make use of the Pin Title and Description!

  2. Link to your product or email lead magnet!!

    To me, this is what makes Pinterest so special. You can give the Pinner an easy link right to your product page or a blog post or email lead magnet and nurture the Pinner OFF OF PINTEREST!

  3. Save to a relevant board

Pins are saved to boards - which is a high-level category where you can store multiple pins. Boards help you organize your Pins, but they also give more insight to Pinterest so it knows when to show your Pin!

How Your Reels Are Searchable On Pinterest For Years

Once you create a video Pin on Pinterest from your Reel, this Reel is now searchable for YEARS. Because Pinterest is a search engine, your Reel is now indexed, and as long as your video is relevant years from now, and makes good use of keywords within the video and in the Pin metadata, Pinterest will continue to show your video month after month.

The accumulation of CLICKS from these pins grows overtime, creating a true traffic machine for you after this initial work.

Here is an example of a Pin I created in July 2023, and it is STILL generating results over a year later.

Imagine if you shared multiple Reels related to your business, and had results like this on auto pilot. You can start to see how impressions and outbound clicks will compound over time. By using Pinterest to share your Instagram Reels, you are creating a visibility machine that works while you are connecting on Instagram or taking time off!


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