How To Use Pinterest To Launch Your Offers

Pinterest can be used to launch your offers, but it might not be in the way that you think. Since Pinterest is a search engine, there really is no time frame or guarantee that anyone will see your Pins in the timeframe of your launch. Instead of including Pinterest in your typical launch calendar, think of Pinterest as a way to build an audience for your offers. A way to get users onto your Email list, into a free training or masterclass or onto a waitlist, so that you can nurture them when the time comes for opening the doors to your offers!

Where Does Pinterest Fit In Your Launch Plans

Think of Pinterest as a traffic driver to your audience building resources. When you’re deciding how to market your business to grow your audience, it’s NOT social media or Pinterest. It can be both!

If you want to use Pinterest in your launches to help  you build your audience, you should have a few things in place, OR use it as a catalyst to get some things in place for your launch…

Pinterest relies heavily on you having online content (lead magnets, blogs, website, podcast, YouTube, trainings, etc.)

AND once that person joins your audience from these resources, you need a way to connect with them repeatedly. Like an email list or through social media.

Look to using Pinterest when you need to build up your audience or when you’re just starting.

The Content That Works Best For Launching Offers on Pinterest

Unless your offer is a seasonal offer (like a 4 week program for sticking to your health goals during the holidays), Pinning evergreen content will work best for building an audience for your launch. This is content that will be relevant no matter the time of year and is always being searched on the platform.

A seasonal piece of content might be “how to decorate for the Holidays”, but an evergreen piece of content would be relevant for someone even outside of the Christmas season.

This way the evergreen content can ALWAYS be working for you on Pinterest, building an audience no matter when you are launching your offer.

When it comes to coaching businesses, course creators, and other online business service providers, this type of evergreen content does well on Pinterest (so you can build that audience for your launch)

  • Lead Magnets - like eBooks, quizzes, and checklists

  • Blog Posts, YouTube videos, and Podcasts that answer specific questions related to your offer (and then also lead to your email list)

  • Free trainings, webinars, or masterclasses that require an email signup and provide a quick win related to your offer

Planning Pins For Your Launch

When you create Pins on Pinterest for your launch you want to give yourself 3-6 months before your launch for your Pins to get traction on Pinterest. Ideally, you will have been pinning organically for longer than that as well, but minimum 3-6 months of consistent pinning on Pinterest is typical.

Search volume varies across niches so it may take some time. BUT REMEMBER - Pinterest is a search engine. This means, whoever joins your email list and connects with you off of Pinterest, is a potential lead. The Pinner was was searching for the exact information you were providing through your pins.

Lead Your Audience To Your Email List (Or To Wherever You Are Launching!)

Many service providers in the online world use an Email List to communicate directly with their audience when they have new offers or when doors are open. For this reason, I suggest creating pins based on content that will lead someone to joining your email list.

However, some service providers sell directly on social media. Because you can add links back to your Instagram from Pinterest, you can also lead people to follow you over on Instagram, if you don’t have an email list.

In either case, you want to give a clear call to action on the Pin and in the Pin Description for where you are leading the Pinner, and then continue to nurture this lead once they are off of Pinterest.

No Email List?

If you have been wanting a sign to START YOUR EMAIL LIST (but also have no idea what to be emailing people each week…) check out this email newsletter membership (FOR ONLY $9/month…wuuuut!!) that gives you email templates EVERY WEEK. FOR ONLY $9/month forever and ever.

So you know exactly what to email your list.

And can nurture the audience you have been building with Pinterest. SO THEY ARE READY READY READY when you open the doors to your offer.

Optimize Your Pinterest Business Account

Set yourself up for success with an optimized Pinterest Business Account. This will help you make the most out of the Pins or Ads you are creating!

Here are the key areas to focus on for optimizing your account,

  1. Outline the high-level topics you focus on in your content and offers - and find the keywords for these topics!

  2. Account Profile - Use your keywords to complete your profile name and description.

  3. 3-5 Pinterest Boards - Use your keywords to setup 3-5 Pinterest boards that use the keywords in the title and description of each board.

  4. Keyword-Focused Pins that relate to your offers - Create 1-3 pins a day that will help build up your audience for your launch.

Creating Pins based off of content related to your offer will help you grow your audience for your next launch!

Throw Money At The Problem - Pinterest Ads

Pinterest Ads could be a good fit for you if you have the budget and online content and systems in place already. The evergreen content I mentioned earlier - lead magnets and masterclasses - are great content to use as ads to boost visibility of these Pins.

If budget is no issue for you and you are an experimental type of Entrepreneur - then GO FOR IT!! Pinterest is an excellent way to connect with users that abandoned cart or to get in front of a new audience to quickly build an audience for your launch. Send me a message and let's chat! If you are looking for an Ads Strategy and for someone to help you manage your ads.

Pinterest Ads can be a great way to speed up the timeline if you are launching soon and want as many eyes as possible!  However, an organic Pinterest presence is highly recommended, and Pinterest Ads can be a costly option if you don’t have any test data behind what is working for you already on Pinterest.

Is Pinterest Falling Off Your To Do List?

So… you know all this stuff. You maybe took a course already or know that if you could actually be consistent with Pinterest, maybe you would see more results. So does actually getting Pins created AND published keep falling to the bottom of your to-do list?

We’re putting an end to that. Join me in the Pinterest Collective where you will get…

⚡ Accountability

⚡ Monthly guide on what to Pin

⚡ Monthly Coworking together with like-minded business owners who want to be on Pinterest

⚡ Support and real-time feedback FROM ME, your resident Pinterest VA, in the Monthly Coworking sessions


Here’s what you’ll DO in 2-3 hrs a month,

⚡ Find your keywords and trending content for the next month

⚡ Create any boards you need on Pinterest

⚡ Create 1-3 Pins in Canva for each piece of content

⚡ Publish your Pins on Pinterest!

Save your spot in the Pinterest Collective! 


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