How to Write an Irresistible Pinterest Pin Title

Pin Titles are going to be one of the most descriptive ways for you to be found on Pinterest! Pinterest will use your Pin Title to know if your content should be served to a Pinner when they are searching for your topic. But, how do you write a Pin Title and how do you know if it’s good?

There are a few key components you’ll want your Pin Titles to have so that you STAND OUT!

Peaks Curiosity

A good Pin Title will grab your attention and draw you into the article. Using words that can peak a Pinners interest like “The Best Guide to…”, “Epic places to eat in…”, “Unforgettable places to visit in…”. These power words like Best, Epic, Unforgettable create an emotion or a little bit of FOMO.

I know I want to click on the Pin that has the BEST of the topic I’m searching for! This blog has a really great outline of different power words.

Deliver on that Curiosity

When a Pinner clicks one of your Pins and leaves the platform to go to your link, you can bet that Pinner has high search intent - meaning they specifically searched for a topic on Pinterest, they specifically chose your Pin, and now on the other side of that Pin they are expecting a match! One of the most important things you can do to make sure the Pinner has a fluid experience is to deliver on the promise your Pin Title made.

This is also when conversions happen. Because the Pinner is a qualified lead (they took a few jumps to get to the content on your platform!) you’ll want to make sure they are getting what they thought they would.

Keep it Positive and Inspirational

Something I didn’t really realize on Pinterest is how positive it is! I am waaaay more likely to click on articles that give me the “10 Best Solutions to…” versus “10 Things You’re Doing Wrong…” But why is that? To answer this question we need to think about our Pinner and why they’re on the platform.

A Pinner is usually on Pinterest to be informed and inspired. This is why “how to” pins are so popular. They are researching a topic or a question they have, and they want to know more and they’re seeking opinions and inspiration from others. A Pinner will be looking for solutions to their problems and desires. Titles that have a negative tone won’t have the same solution forward feeling.

For example:

The Pinner will search, “how to make homemade baby food”, and 2 articles show up.

10 things you shouldn’t do when making baby food

10 things you should be doing when making baby food

If the Pinner is looking for a solution, like how to make baby food, they will want to know what they SHOULD be doing and to be inspired to take action.

Include Keywords

Keywords are the search phrases that someone will type into Pinterest to perform a search. (Read here to know why keywords are important!) Keywords within your Pin Titles will be helpful to Pinterest to know when it should serve your content. If your title matches or closely matches search terms used by the Pinner, your content will be more likely to be served to the right audience. (There are also other factors, but the Pin Title is very important!)

Change up your Pin Titles!

If you have a blog post that you are pinning, your Pin Title does not need to repeat the blog post title. You can create several pins for a single blog post (or other online content source). There are a couple different ways to switch it up.

  1. Play with different aspects of the content

  2. Use different key audiences in your title

  3. Use the same title as your blog post

For example

If you use this blog “How to Write Pin Titles”, here are a couple different ways you can change this on the Pin

  1. 3 Things You Should Know About Writing Pin Titles

  2. How to Write Pin Titles for Online Business Owners

  3. How to Write Pin Titles

Analyze your Pin Titles

You can use these 5 components as a checklist when you are writing your Pin Titles. But, sometimes I like to check my titles against a tool that can help make sure it is a strong title and good for SEO. This is my favorite headline analyzer tool.

Pro Tip! This tool is free, but you only get 3 NEW searches with premium features. Do not start a brand new search, if you go back into your “recent”, you can just change your headline and reanalyze the headline and you’ll get to use the premium features longer.

I love this tool because it breaks down each part of your title and provides suggestions on how to improve it.

Here is an example of a strong title that has a couple of those components we talked about Power Words, Positive, Includes “Pinterest Pin Title” as the keywords.

headline analyzer image for the pin title how to write irresistible pinterest pin titles

Write an Irresistible Pin Title…

Here is the Pin Title formula I use,

[How to / Why / My] + [Number] + [Power Words] + [Topic] + [Outcome]

My top 5 Secrets to Creating Pinterest Pin Titles that Convert

It’s important that you include a combination of the components we talked about. Using power words to peak curiosity, keywords to help Pinterest Search, and delivering what you said you will deliver, will surely make you STAND OUT.


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