Your Instagram Messaging, It Bears Repeating

Have you ever thought… I've said it so many times, people are annoyed with me. Or, I don't want to annoy anyone, they already know. Have you thought this?

So, did you know your posts peak for 48 hours on Instagram? Did you know, only a small percentage of your followers see your posts each day?

Your Instagram posts are a lot to YOU. Because you're living and breathing your business. But for the rest of us, it's literally seconds if we do happen to see your posts or stories.

The Instagrammers Journey…

Just think about yourself for a second. Do you ever go to someone's profile that you follow and you're like oh shoot, they have 3 or 4 posts I didn't even see! Because Instagram didn't serve that up to you, it might be the algorithm, it might be you're showing different interests, it might mean you were interrupted, but it doesn't mean you didn't want to see those posts!

Also, let me know if this sounds like you… You go onto Instagram, you look at 4 or 5 posts on your feed and then you start watching stories. And then you watch a handful of stories and then your kids ask for a snack so you put your phone down.

What if that was your follower. What if you were the 6th post, or the next story! You just never know what your audience is doing, what interrupts them, what makes them pause and think, what part of the process they are in with your message.

The Rule of 7

I've recently been reminded of how important it is to repeat yourself on Instagram. Not only because not everyone is going to see every post, but because it bears repeating if you are committed to your message. The Rule of 7, it could be 7 or it could be a thousand the point is consistent and repetitive messaging is needed for your audience to absorb what you are saying.

Also a quote from one of my favorites, Jonathon Stark, “If you want to make a difference, prepare to repeat yourself for ten years.”

Bottom Line your message bears repeating, and just stick with it! Also guess what, the message doesn't even need to be all that unique each time so don't make it complicated (more on this for another time!)


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